February 15, 2025

Marshall Alano

IoT Devices

Augmented Reality Is A False God


We’ve been promised augmented reality since the mid-1990s. We watched it evolve from a promising but imperfect technology into what it is today: a buzzword that’s ultimately more distracting than useful. The latest generation of smartphones can’t support AR, and we wouldn’t want them to anyway because they’re too small for such a bulky technology. In order for AR to work properly, you need specialized glasses or goggles—and nobody wants to wear those things! Smartphones are too small for mixed reality; TVs are not yet popular enough for everyone in the country (or world) to have one; and our cars cannot handle being ‘augmented’ without some very serious redesigns first… The concept of ‘mixed reality’ is confusingly similar to augmented reality, and this will hurt adoption rates further still…

Augmented Reality’s only true use case is games.

Augmented reality is a gimmick. It’s just a flash in the pan, and it will never be useful for anything besides games.

It’s easy to see why people might think this way: AR has been around since the early 2000s, but it hasn’t really caught on like VR has (at least not yet). But that doesn’t mean it won’t eventually become popular; many tech companies are still investing heavily in augmented reality apps and platforms–and they’re not doing so out of nostalgia or habit; they believe there is real value here!

Smartphones are too small to support AR.

The smartphone is the most popular and widely-used device in the world. It has access to a wealth of information, connecting you to people across the globe, making it possible for you to do just about anything from your phone. But there’s one thing that smartphones cannot do: support augmented reality (AR).

Augmented reality requires a lot of processing power and resources, which is why all current AR devices have large screens–like Microsoft’s HoloLens or Apple’s new ARKit platform for iOS 11 apps–and are not designed for smartphones. Smartphones simply don’t have enough space on their small screens to create an immersive experience like what we see with other types of devices like Microsoft’s HoloLens or Google Glasses.[1]

AR doesn’t work in the dark.

Augmented reality is not a substitute for vision.

It’s not a substitute for reality.

And it’s certainly not a replacement for the real world.

AR requires glasses, which nobody wants to wear.

Augmented reality requires glasses, and nobody wants to wear glasses.

Glasses are not comfortable or fashionable; they’re expensive; and they make you look like a dork. You have to put them on every time you want to use your phone–and if the battery dies? Well then, good luck finding another pair of working AR glasses in this lifetime!

The concept of ‘mixed reality’ is confusingly similar to augmented reality, and this will hurt adoption rates.

The concept of ‘mixed reality’ is confusingly similar to augmented reality, and this will hurt adoption rates.

Mixed reality (MR) is a subset of augmented reality. It’s not simply an improvement on AR; it’s a different thing entirely. It refers to technologies that blend the real world with digital data or objects in some way, rather than merely overlaying them on top of each other like in AR. This can be done through various means such as cameras, sensors or mirrors–but regardless of what method is used, your headset still needs some kind of display device like a monitor or phone screen in order for you see anything at all!

In contrast: Augmented Reality (AR) doesn’t require any sort of additional hardware beyond what’s already built into our smartphones today–you just point them at something interesting and start playing around with whatever happens next!

Augmented Reality is a false god that will never deliver what it promises

Augmented Reality is a false god that will never deliver what it promises. It’s overhyped, overpriced, and just straight up not real.

AR is nothing more than an elaborate gimmick used to sell you things you don’t need by convincing you they’re cool. It’s an industry-wide scam perpetuated by tech giants like Apple and Google who want nothing more than to make money off of your gullibility by selling their products at exorbitant prices with no real value behind them whatsoever.

This fad has been around for years now but seems to be gaining traction again lately due to companies like Microsoft pushing out new hardware specifically designed for AR use cases (like Hololens). While these devices may seem interesting at first glance–and even provide some utility in certain applications–they’re ultimately just another way for big corporations trying make money off unsuspecting consumers who think “Oh wow! This looks cool! I must buy one immediately!”


Augmented Reality is a false god. The technology has been around for decades, but it’s never been able to deliver on its promise of revolutionizing how we interact with our world. Now that smartphones have made AR accessible to everyone, the technology has finally reached critical mass and will start spreading like wildfire through society. But even this won’t be enough–the concept of mixed reality is confusingly similar, which means that even if AR does catch on as expected there will still be plenty of problems ahead for developers trying to explain what exactly their apps do!

marshallalano.my.id | Newsphere by AF themes.